About Editorial Team

Updates from the Hawai`i Convention Center Editorial Team. We work together to bring you the best information possible on our Center's blog as well as the best "business with aloha" service while you are here in Honolulu, Hawai`i.

Anime Matsuri Is Coming To Hawai‘i This November 2015!

Anime Matsuri Hawaii

We are excited to share that Anime Matsuri, one of the largest anime conventions in North America is coming to Hawai‘i next month! Anime Matsuri is an annual anime, Japanese culture and related arts convention that started in Houston, Texas. From cosplay (costume in play), music, fashion, anime, art, or collectibles; you name it, they’ve got it! Through cultural panels, exhibits, workshops and other fun events, Anime Matsuri Hawai‘i envisions this convention to serve as a bridge from the East and West and from Houston to Hawaii. They not only bring the excitement of Japan, but also try to educate the community on cultural diversity.

Hawai‘i’s inaugural Anime Matsuri will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center from November 27 – 29, 2015. The 3-day “matsuri” (festival) will be full of many exciting panels, workshops, contests and events. Some of the main events include a Live Concert featuring a popular band from Japan, Japanese Fashion Show featuring popular clothing labels, models and designers from Japan. Lastly, our Exhibit Hall 2 will feature the Vendor Area with exhibits, vendors and artists showcasing everything from video games to action figures, to Japanese fashion and more!

For more information, please visit their website at http://hawaii.animematsuri.com.

Food, Wine and an Amazing Comic Convention

Hawaiian Airlines presents "Corks and Forks Pacific Coast" Hawaii Food and Wine Festival 2015 (photo by Aaron Ichiki)

Hawaiian Airlines presents “Corks and Forks Pacific Coast” Hawaii Food and Wine Festival 2015 (photo by Aaron Ichiki)

Our team hit the ground running again this September with an array of conventions and public events here at the Hawaii Convention Center. We kicked off this month with the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) last September 2 – 5, 2015 which brought 1,500 international scientists, clinicians and practitioners specializing in advanced imaging to the state.

Next was the Hawai‘i Food and Wine Festival (HFWF)’s “Corks & Forks Pacific Coast” event last September 12th (presented by Hawaiian Airlines). The sold-out crowd got to sample dishes from 19 featured chefs and 20 of the most coveted red wines from the Pacific Coast, along with white wine, cocktails and beer. Barely a week after HFWF concluded, HCC jumped right back into action with the 3-day Amazing Hawai‘i Comic Convention on September 18 – 20th. About 10,000 cosplayers, gamers and super fans gathered at HCC to engage with fellow fans and meet their favorite comic book creators including Marvel Comics founder Stan Lee and “Deadpool” creator Rob Liefeld.

We wrap up September with one more convention of about 1700 delegates and exhibitors combined.  There’s never a dull moment at HCC and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

7,000 – 10,000 comic book fans gathered for the very first Amazing Hawai‘i Comic Convention!

7,000 – 10,000 comic book fans gathered for the very first Amazing Hawai‘i Comic Convention!


Seeing Stars This August

August brought us yet another busy month of conferences, banquets and fun public events. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2015 General Assembly held earlier this month brought more than 2,500 astronomers from 75 countries around the globe to Hawaii. The 11-day convention was one of the largest professional astronomy conferences in IAU’s history and we are honored that Hawai‘i was selected to host this conference.

We are also looking forward to the upcoming Hawaii Food and Wine Festival where our Rooftop Garden will be the venue for “Hawaiian Airlines Presents Corks & Forks Pacific Coast” on September 12th. 20 celebrity chefs will feature their dishes created with Hawaii’s local produce. There will also be tastings of craft cocktails, specialty beers and white wines. Looking forward to this wonderful event!

more than 2,500 astronomers from 75 countries around the globe were in Hawaii for the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2015 General Assembly

more than 2,500 astronomers from 75 countries around the globe were in Hawaii for the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2015 General Assembly

More than 2,500 astronomers from 75 countries around the globe were in Hawaii for the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2015 General Assembly

More than 2,500 astronomers from 75 countries around the globe were in Hawaii for the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2015 General Assembly

Flying High in July!

July brought to the Hawai‘i Convention Center a great mix of Local, International and North American meetings and conventions that kept our team quite busy! One notable event was the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC). ATBC is an international association that aims to promote research, education, conservation, and communication on tropical biology. It was a pleasure to welcome over 500 international delegates!  Another popular event this month was the first Comic Con Honolulu which brought over 5,000 attendees in celebration of comics, costumes, fantasy and science fiction.

We also are very proud of our inaugural “Sunset Mele on the Rooftop” held last July 11th. Mahalo to all who came out to support our event! Our next “Sunset Mele” will be on Saturday, August 15th. We’ll see you there!

Comics and sci-fi fans gather at the very first Comic Con Honolulu!

Comics and sci-fi fans gather at the very first Comic Con Honolulu!

Comics and sci-fi fans gather at the very first Comic Con Honolulu!

Comics and sci-fi fans gather at the very first Comic Con Honolulu!

Our first ever Sunset Mele was a fun night for the whole family!

Our first ever Sunset Mele was a fun night for the whole family!


Our first ever Sunset Mele was a fun night for the whole family!

Our first ever Sunset Mele was a fun night for the whole family!


Roaring In June

Time certainly does fly. We’ve reached the halfway point of 2015 but here at the Hawai‘i Convention Center, we’re just getting started!

This June, HCC welcomes two premier conventions, namely the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) 2015 Conference (June 14 to 18, 2015) and the 98th Lions Clubs International (LCI) Convention happening from June 26 to June 30, 2015. We extend our Aloha to OHMB’s 2,500 attendees as well as the 18,000 Lions delegates!

We are also excited to let you know about our new monthly entertainment series, “Sunset Mele on the Rooftop” featuring a night of FREE performances by local entertainers and fun activities for the whole family! The first event will be on July 11th with a sunset performance by up-and-coming singer-musician Josh Tatofi, followed by a moonlight screening of the popular movie “Frozen.”

Lastly, we wanted to share some photos from the 2015 Honolulu Ekiden and Music Expo that was held here at HCC (May 30) and race finish line photos from Kapi‘olani Park on May 31st. Mahalo to the Honolulu Ekiden organizers for sharing your wonderful photos!

The 98th Lions Clubs International (LCI) Convention bring  18,000 Lions delegates to Hawaii

The 98th Lions Clubs International (LCI) Convention bring 18,000 Lions delegates to Hawaii


Photo by Ross D. Hamamura

Photo by Ross D. Hamamura

Photo by Ross D. Hamamura

Photo by Ross D. Hamamura



The Merry Month of May

From graduations, musical celebrations to spiritual services, the Hawai‘i Convention Center was witness to a series of wonderful events this month. We recently played host to four commencement exercises from the University of Hawai‘i (School of Nursing and Dental Hygenie), Kapi‘olani Community College and the Kapi‘olani Community College Culinary Arts Program. It was great to see many happy families celebrate the achievement of the graduates!

We were also honored to take part in “Mele Mei”, a month-long celebration of Hawai‘i’s music and culture. Mele Mei events were held throughout Hawai’i, which culminated with the 38th Annual Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards here at the Hawai‘i Convention Center. The event filled our Ballroom with lovely Hawaiian music and cheers from the audience as the winners were announced.

Other noteworthy events include the annual Shinnyo-en Hawai‘i Water Consolatory Service, conducted to honor the memory of those who have passed away. This private service is organized by the same group that holds the annual Lantern Floating Ceremony at Magic Island on Memorial Day.

With such a celebratory and blessed month almost behind us, we look forward to even better months ahead.




Conferences, Graduations, Festivals and an Auto Show

March and April are a flurry of activity here at the Hawaii Convention Center. We kicked off March with the Honolulu Festival, followed right after by the very popular First Hawaiian International Auto Show! Not long after, Kawaii Kon, Hawai‘i’s premier Anime convention filled our building wtih Anime and comic book fans during this annual event.

This April we welcomed a variety of attendees to the Center, from young cheerleaders participating in the Aloha International Spirit Championships, to couples looking for wedding ideas at the Hawai‘i World Class Wedding Expo.  Check out the photos below!

Honolulu Festival Photos courtesy of Keith Uehara Photography

Honolulu Festival Photos courtesy of Keith Uehara Photography


International Waikiki Hula Conference Returns to the Hawai`i Convention Center

waik-hula-conf1The International Waikiki Hula Conference kicks off today at the Hawai`i Convention Center.  From November 7-9, visitors from around the world will gather to share their love for hula, and experience hula in the land of its birth.  Participants have the opportunity to learn from kumu hula, interact with fellow dancers, and perform on various stages throughout Waikiki.

For more information, visit www.waikikihulaconference.com.


Hawai`i Convention Center Welcomes Honolulu Fashion Week

fashionweek2The first ever Honolulu Fashion Week is happening at the Hawai`i Convention Center November 6-9!  Free and open to the public, activities include runway shows, shopping, beauty, and fashion related events all weekend long.  Limited-edition clothing and accessories by local designers will also be available for purchase! For more information, visit http://www.honolulumagazine.com/HONOLULU-Fashion-Week/.
