The month of April saw a combination of popular events and a few citywide conventions. Notable mentions include the First Hawaiian International Auto Show which always draws a large crowd every year. More than 40,000 guests stopped by this 3-day show to view over 350 of the hottest new cars and trucks all in one place.
We also welcomed the 2018 AACSB International Conference & Annual Meeting (ICAM) last April 22-24. Organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), ICAM 2018 is their largest event and brought together 1500 of the world’s top business academics and collaborators for 3 days of world-class networking opportunities and learning new best practices to acquiring a global perspective of the current state of business education.
Wrapping up our month is the ARVO 2018 Annual Meeting. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) is the largest and most respected eye and vision research organization in the world. From April 29 to May 3rd, approximately 10,500 international basic and clinical researchers will share the latest breakthroughs in vision research. They will engage with their colleagues right here at HCC as they work to advance their science and expand its support within our communities and governments.
Lastly, we also held our very own Signature Event, the Sunset Mele and Night Market last April 20th. This free community event featured a great entertainment lineup and awesome food options from our very own Executive Chef Kevin Nakata and other local food vendors. We also showcased the Academy Award winning film Coco in our Liliu Theater 310 and welcomed over 50 local vendors in our night market.
Check out some of our photos from this month’s events!

Step into the Exhibit Hall! Cool slipper decals during the 2018 ICAM Conference.

We are ready to welcome the ARVO 2018 Meeting here at the Hawaii Convention Center!

The First Hawaiian International Auto Show in our Kamehameha Exhibit Halls showcased over 350 of the hottest new cars and trucks all in one place!

Executive Chef Kevin Nakata appeared on KHON 2’s Wake Up 2Day morning show to share what he’s cooking up for our Sunset Mele and Night Market

Chef Kevin’s street tacos showcased during Sunset Mele and Night Market. Chorizo Tacos and Moroccan Grilled Vegetable Tacos!

Streetlight Cadence serenade the crowd at Sunset Mele and Night Market (4-20-18)

Feature Film showing in Theater 310

Sunset Mele’s Night Market area along the hallway outside of rooms 302 to 309 at our 3rd Level.

HCC participated in Earth Day activities during Sunset Mele and Night Market (4-20-18)