The movement of insects, weeds, and pathogens around the world through commercial trade and other means is having a profound impact on agriculture and natural resources. As trade opportunities grow, so does the possibility of introducing alien species, which can threaten indigenous species unable to defend against such pests.
More than 1,800 plant pathologists – scientists who study plant diseases – from around the world presented their ground-breaking research on combating these invasive threats during the 2011 American Phytopathological Society (APS) – International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) Joint Meeting from August 6-10 at the Hawai`i Convention Center.
Meeting jointly for the first time in Hawai`i, the APS-IPPC achieved a record international attendance, including delegates from 55 countries.
The meeting brought in an estimated $8.5 million in state revenue, with the Center’s hotel partners benefiting from nearly 14,500 room nights.
“We are so pleased to have our annual meeting in Hawai`i – a place with such natural diversity and exotic plant life,” said John Sherwood, APS President. “Hawai`i offers a central location for a meeting focused on global issues and easy access for new attendees from the Pacific Rim and Asian countries.”
While he was in town, Sherwood stopped by the Hawai`i News Now Sunrise studios and chatted with business reporter Howard Dicus about the conference. Watch it here:
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