We are excited to announce that the 2017 Global Tourism Summit, presented by the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA), will be held from September 19 to 21 at the Hawaii Convention Center.
Early-bird registration with flexible discounted rates are now available. You may register via www.globaltourismsummithawaii.com and choose from one of several options to attend the conference.
Sustainability is the theme of this year’s summit and how it is incorporated in the future of tourism will be a featured topic of the presentations. The significance of Hawaiian culture, global marketing, technology and innovation will also be highlighted in presentations and panel discussions, with the collective focus on improving tourism in Hawaii and abroad.
Early-bird registration is available through July 31 for the following discounted rates:
• Individuals: Full Conference, Sept. 19-21: $325, a savings of $70
• Groups of 8 or More: Full Conference, Sept. 19-21: $300 per person, a savings of $65 per person (Groups can mix and match different attendees during the conference)
• Student and Faculty Members: Full Conference, Sept. 19-21: $150
• Individuals, Partial Conference, Sept. 19-20: $275
• Individuals, Partial Conference, Sept. 20-21: $265
Information on sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities is also available online at www.globaltourismsummithawaii.com. A complete listing of sessions, programs and speakers will be added in the coming weeks.
Formerly known as the Hawaii Tourism Conference, HTA changed the name to the Global Tourism Summit to more accurately reflect Hawaii’s emergence as a leader in international travel and tourism.
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