Celebrating “American Medical Association Week” are (left to right): AMA president Jeremy Lazarus, M.D., Gov. Neil Abercrombie, and Jeffrey Akaka, M.D. Photo credit: Kathleen Connelly and Psychiatric News.
American Medical Association (AMA) delegates gathered in Hawai`i last week for the AMA Interim Meeting from Nov. 8-10, 2012, at the Hawai`i Convention Center. In honor of the meeting, Hawai`i Gov. Neil Abercrombie (center) presented a proclamation on Nov. 9, 2012, declaring “American Medical Association Week.” AMA leadership, including Jeremy Lazarus, M.D., AMA president (left), and Jeffrey Akaka, M.D., part of the psychiatric delegation to the AMA (right), attended to accept the recognition.
The meeting is part of a strong year-end lineup of medical and scientific gatherings at the Hawai`i Convention Center. From Oct. 7-12, 2012, the Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science drew a record 4,000 attendees. In August, the Center hosted the Asia Pacific Clean Energy Summit and Expo; in May more than 14,500 attendees gathered for the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) 112th Annual Session, and more than 1,000 attendees participated in the 31st Annual American Pain Society scientific meeting. That follows on the heels of five major medical and scientific meetings at the Center in 2011 that attracted a combined 30,000 participants. The Center will host the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference from Feb. 6-8, 2013.
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