Hawai`i Convention Center Welcomes Public to SEE-IT Exhibit

The SEE-IT Hawai`i science, engineering and technology exhibit, which debuted at the Hawai`i Convention Center during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting in November 2011, is now open to the public at locations throughout the Center during the Center’s regular public operating hours.

SEE-IT, which stands for Science, Engineering Exposition – Innovative Technologies, Hawai`i, features exhibits on topics including biomedicine, defense systems, IT development and renewable energy.  It incorporates the work of 18 Hawai`i-based companies and organizations that have developed or use cutting-edge technologies and solutions.  Exhibitors include online gaming company Avatar Reality Inc., with a virtual world entertainment system; Hawaiian Electric Company, with a look at the future of renewable energy technologies; and astronomy researchers such as the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES), the W.M. Keck Observatory, and University of Hawai`i’s Institute for Astronomy.

The 12,000 sq. ft. exhibit will be open at the Center through 2012, and will be relocated to a permanent venue in the near future.  The long-term goal of exhibit co-founders Henk Rogers, Galen Ho, and Dr. Peter Crouch is to create a permanent discovery exposition to motivate young people in Hawai`i to embrace careers in science, engineering, and technology.  SEE-IT Hawai`i, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded to provide opportunities for people to connect with leading science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-based enterprises in Hawai`i.

For more information, visit www.see-it-hawaii.com.

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