Hawai`i Destination Grows Asia-Pacific Attendance

photo of Darren Mendola from the Alzheimer's AssociationWe were ready to tap into the Pacific, but we weren’t ready to go to Asia.  Hawai`i is an amazing place if you want to open up the Asian market.  In Hawai`i we had more people from the Pacific Rim than we’ve ever had before.

– Darren Mendola, CMP
Senior Director, Conference Services, Alzheimer’s Association
International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (ICAD)
July 10-15, 2010
5,500 Delegates

Read our coverage of this event here on the Hawaii Convention Center blog.

We Had An Excellent Return On Our Investment

We had the opportunity to attract a sector of the world population that doesn’t usually come to our Annual Meeting…

– Alice DeForest
Executive Director, American Academy of Periodontology
2010 Annual Meeting in collaboration with the Japanese Society of Periodontology
October 30-November 2, 2010
6,000 Delegates


Alzheimer’s Association Holds Annual Meeting at the Hawai`i Convention Center

photo of alz-icad-2010-sign-delegatesThe Hawai`i Convention Center hosted the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (ICAD) from July 10-15, 2010.

The Alzheimer’s Association ICAD is the world’s premiere forum for reporting and discussion of groundbreaking research and information on the cause, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. As a part of the Association’s research program, Alzheimer’s Association ICAD serves as a catalyst for generating new knowledge about Alzheimer’s and fostering a vital, collegial research community.

We had excellent news coverage locally for this event.
News Videos:
Tricia Medeiros of the Aloha Chapter of the Alzeimer’s Association
Dr. Maria Carrillo of the Alzheimer’s Association talking about Trial Match

Text Articles:
International Alzheimer’s conference sails to Hawaii for first time – Hawaii News Now
Hawaii will host Alzheimer’s conference – Pacific Business News