Sixth Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science to Draw Record Attendance, Feature International Energy Summit

The sixth Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME) is expected to draw a record 4,000 attendees to the Hawai`i Convention Center from October 7-12, 2012.  The meeting, sponsored by The Electrochemical Society (ECS) and The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ), will bring together scientists, lawmakers, government officials, and science industry leaders from around the world to present and discuss the latest scientific and technical developments in electrochemical, solid-state science and technology.

The meeting is expected to generate more than $18.8 million in state revenue, with the Center’s hotel partners benefiting from 32,160 room nights.

PRiME will feature the second international ECS Electrochemical Energy Summit (E2S) on October 11, which serves as a leading forum on the challenges of large-scale energy storage.  The summit will cover technical, economic, and social perspectives, highlighting similar themes to the Hawai`i Clean Energy Initiative, the state’s commitment to achieving 70 percent clean energy use by 2030.

PRiME will also feature more than 58 technical sessions and 1,000 poster presentations covering breakthrough research; as well as a career fair for registered meeting attendees.  Industry businesses are encouraged to participate in the career fair, which provides an opportunity to recruit qualified candidates at every level of experience, from veterans in the sciences to newcomers entering research, development and academia.

Founded in 1902 as an international nonprofit, educational organization to advance electrochemical and solid-state science and technology, The Electrochemical Society now has more than 9,000 members worldwide.  To register for PRiME 2012, visit; for businesses that would like to participate in the career fair, pre-registration is available by emailing

See ECS President Fernando Garzon on Hawai`i News Now Sunrise show:

Hawaii News Now – KGMB and KHNL

Hawai`i Convention Center Awarded $80,000 Rebate for Energy Efficiency Upgrades to Air Quality System Fans

The Hawai`i Convention Center recently completed another major effort to enhance the conservation of Hawai`i’s natural resources and reduce its impact on the environment.

The Center installed new variable frequency drives (VFDs) to loading dock area fans to ensure optimum air quality.  A VFD improves efficiency by adjusting motor speed to more closely match output requirements, which typically results in energy savings.  The installation was supported by a $79,781 rebate from Hawai`i Energy, the energy efficiency and conservation program for Hawai`i, Honolulu, and Maui counties, and will result in an energy savings of nearly 445,000 kilowatt hours annually.

The Center’s previous rebates and awards for energy-saving measures have totaled nearly $350,000 for projects including lighting upgrades and a new jockey chiller.  When it opened in 1998, the Center was also awarded Hawaiian Electric Company’s Energy Project of the Year for its efficient design.

Honolulu Third Most Green of Top 43 Cities

ti-leave-with-dew-drops-by-kretyen-640x350The 2010 Green Cities Index ranks Honolulu as the third most green city!
Photo credit: Ti Leave with Dew Drops by kretyn on Flickr.

Analyzed data from a variety of research and government agencies ranked Honolulu the third most “green” city among 43 U.S. metropolitan areas.

The Green Cities Index, compiled by the Business Courier of Cincinnati, a sister publication of Honolulu’s Pacific Business News, took into account several variables such as:

  • commuting habits
  • travel time
  • fuel use
  • LEED-certified projects
  • the number of green jobs
  • air and water quality

This survey goes along with the same principles and the practices of the Hawai‘i Convention Center,” said Joe Davis, SMG general manager of the Hawai‘i Convention Center. “Because we are located in an island state, sustainability and energy conservation is very important to us so we are pleased with the findings.

Davis pointed out that the Hawai‘i Convention Center operates by the LEED rating system and integrates energy-saving systems throughout the building including a ventilating and air-conditioning system specifically designed for Hawai‘i’s tropical climate. The system has heat exchangers to transmit waste heat from the chiller condenser for humidity control. The Center also uses all fluorescent lamps and ballasts that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly. On another level, the HCC provides a specially created Clean Energy micro-site that provides information on alternative energy research and innovation in Hawai‘i.

“Organizations want to meet at an environmentally friendly and sustainable venue and we are pleased that our facility, and our city, live up to their wishes,” Davis added.

The Center’s environmental practices were key reasons why the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photovoltaic Specialists meeting and the World Congress on Zero Emissions Initiatives will be held there in June and September of this year and the American Association of Foresters to meet in 2011.

Read more at the Pacific Business News.

And be sure to check out our history of Green Initiatives here at the Hawai`i Convention Center.