Our HCC Hawaiian Value of the Month is Laulima.
Laulima literally means “many hands working together,” but more importantly it represents a pillar principle within the Hawaiian culture.
In order to achieve our goals, working together is imperative. Teamwork is stressed. Individual achievement is encouraged, but success is found in the contributions of many hands working together. Laulima embodies the essence of what it means to live aloha.
I recall a story in old Hawai`i, where Hawaiians would take a long cord or rope and tie ti leaves to it. Then the entire group (many hands) would hold it and form a line in the ocean, holding this rope with the leaves in the water would ‘herd’ the fish towards the shore. The group would slowly form a circle, to trap the fish. If one person was out of sync, the fish could escape through that gap in the line. Success or failure caused by one person would mean success or failure for the entire group. It was important for people to help each other be successful.
As it applies today, regardless of what your job entails, we are all a vital part of our collective success… Laulima transcends into our work, family, social and economic behaviors. Placing emphasis on Laulima in any situation will yield great benefits.
A`ohe hana nui ke alu`ia – No work is too big when shared by all.
Laulima paves the way to success!
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