Hawaiian Airlines presents “Corks and Forks Pacific Coast” Hawaii Food and Wine Festival 2015 (photo by Aaron Ichiki)
Our team hit the ground running again this September with an array of conventions and public events here at the Hawaii Convention Center. We kicked off this month with the World Molecular Imaging Congress (WMIC) last September 2 – 5, 2015 which brought 1,500 international scientists, clinicians and practitioners specializing in advanced imaging to the state.
Next was the Hawai‘i Food and Wine Festival (HFWF)’s “Corks & Forks Pacific Coast” event last September 12th (presented by Hawaiian Airlines). The sold-out crowd got to sample dishes from 19 featured chefs and 20 of the most coveted red wines from the Pacific Coast, along with white wine, cocktails and beer. Barely a week after HFWF concluded, HCC jumped right back into action with the 3-day Amazing Hawai‘i Comic Convention on September 18 – 20th. About 10,000 cosplayers, gamers and super fans gathered at HCC to engage with fellow fans and meet their favorite comic book creators including Marvel Comics founder Stan Lee and “Deadpool” creator Rob Liefeld.
We wrap up September with one more convention of about 1700 delegates and exhibitors combined. There’s never a dull moment at HCC and we wouldn’t have it any other way!
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